Unlocking the Secrets of Our Luxurious Soap Ingredients

Unlocking the Secrets of Our Luxurious Soap Ingredients

In our quest to be transparent, we are going to tell you about the incredible benefits of the key ingredients that go into our handcrafted bar soaps. When you pick up a bar of our beautiful, luxurious bars, we hope you'll feel confident about what you're cleansing your skin with.

And, are essential oils better than fragrance oils? Keep reading to find out.

Now, let's start with the foundational ingredients found in ALL of our bath soaps, except for our amazing Triple Butter & Buttermilk Artisan Soap.

1. Canola Oil

Canola Oil isn't just great for cooking. For you, it is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain the skin's natural barrier and prevent moisture loss. It is lightweight and non-greasy, making it an excellent choice for moisturizing lotions, creams, and of course, soap.

2. Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil

Coconut Oil is yummy to taste, but don't consume your soap! Coconut oil is a versatile ingredient that is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it effective in treating various skin conditions. Coconut Oil also helps improve skin elasticity and can reduce the signs of aging. 

3. Sustainable Hydrogenated Palm Oil

Palm Oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, making it a nourishing ingredient for the skin. It helps moisturize and protect the skin from environmental damage. Palm Oil also has anti-aging properties, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Excuse me while I go lather some on my skin right now!... just kidding.

These three ingredients, plus water (aqua) are combined to create the solid soap that is held in your hands. Some products include various milks (almond, goat, or oat), honey or additives such as coffee, activated charcoal, and oat. Anything else listed in the ingredients of your soap is mainly for scent and/or colour. (Again, the exception is our Triple Butter and Buttermilk Artisan Soap, which is amazing in its own way. And, our beer soaps have some extra ingredients that make them "beer".)

Speaking of scents, let's discuss essential oils and fragrance oils.


Essential Oils vs Fragrance Oils

At Bee Clean Boutique, we use 100% certified organic, fair-trade essential oil. Loved for being all-natural, essential oils are powerful and each have their own health benefits.

However, some people are allergic to essential oils. For this reason, and also to create custom scents in our soap bars, we also use synthetic fragrances.

The fragrance oils that we use are skin safe and regulated by Health Canada. While essential oils will evaporate when exposed to light and air, fragrances are more consistent and long-lasting.

If you're sensitive to scents, no problem - we also offer unscented soaps


We have about 30 different bar soaps, but most vary by scent. Queen Bee, Genevieve, enjoys the creative process of creating new soaps, which involves not just the scent make-up but also the design and look of the soaps.

We are so proud of our artisan bath and body products, and we hope that you are excited to try some new soaps now that you know exactly what's in them and how to decipher what used to be mumble-jumble on our labels.

Want to know about 7 more sensational ingredients? Learn more here.

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